LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is a tool for innovation, communication and co-creation!
We first build our ideas with LEGO® bricks and explain what do they mean. It is like making 3D prints of our thoughts.
Thereafter we build various concepts together. In case of complex problems we can add stakeholders - the clients, the vendors, the competitors, the partners. This is like creating a prototype of our team, company or a problem.
Then we can start to play. Sometimes we brainstorm about innovative ideas. Sometimes we define our strategy. Sometimes we solve a complex problem. We do serious work while having fun.
Marko talking about LEGO Serious Play methodology
How LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method helps?
1st Level
Playful Intro
Individual model building
Simple applications that include fun ice-breakers, setting goals, offering feedback, one-to-one mentoring or coaching, idea development, exploring behaviors, individual learning.
2-8 hours
2nd Level
Sharing Outcomes
Shared model building
Creating common understanding on shared issues, e.g. vision, values, mission, processes. New products, services and business models. Agree upon goals, objectives, action plans.
4 hours - 2 days
3rd Level
System modeling
Modeling systems - complex organizations or systems with multiple stakeholders, strategies, scenarios, emergencies. Model, analyze and redesign processes and systems
2-5 days or more
Click here for detailed application techniques
Why is LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® better than a regular meeting?
Serious Play, gr. spoudaious paidzein) origins from Plato's "Politeia", where it has been described as a pleasant activity aiming to educate oneself. LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® is rooted in theory, published in top journals and includes numerous references to advantages to other similar types of tools and methods.
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® results are more sincere
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® leads to dedicated participants of the meeting
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® helps to unleash ideas
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® helps to remember details
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® helps to equalize discussion
LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® helps to lower conflict
1. Practice
In the first phase, we practice our building skills and ability create metaphors and stories
2. Task
Thereafter your LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® facilitator gives our group a building task. E.g.: "Describe your problem today!"
3. Building
We build our response individually
4. Story-telling
We explain our story, if necessary the others reflect on what they heard
5. Refining
We will refine the story. E.g. "What are the most difficult aspects of our problem"
6. Modeling
We build a holistic model of our problem with all related stakeholders. We add a set of agents - e.g. clients, vendors, partners
7. Analysing
We connect the agents to analyze the linkages between the parts of the model to seek the roots of the problem
8. Playing
Using the model, the we'll play through various future scenarios to understand how to best deal with the problem
9. Concluding
We summarize our principles of action for the future to tackle the original problem
Book on LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Method
Marko published with Sean Blair and 9 leading international facilitators a book on LEGO® Serious Play® method. Serious Work. How to Facilitate Meetings & Workshops Using the LEGO® Serious Play® method. The book introduces five most used application techniques: goal setting, team building, idea generation, values & behaviours and shared vision. provides hands-on practical road-maps on learning about LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® method and applying it to your own practice.
You may download the free preview here or purchase the book directly via Amazon.
Want to invite a facilitator or learn LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® yourself?
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